Automation Meeting Böblingen - A Review

After numerous online trade fairs and even more online meetings, we were finally able to open our trade fair season 2022 with a presence trade fair again.
We were guests at the Automatisierungstreff in Böblingen and, as exhibitors, part of the Industrie 4.0 marketplace, where companies from various hardware and software sectors come together with the common goal of offering customized full-stack solutions through cooperation. Due to the cancellation of last year's event, we were represented in the teams for two innovative technology demonstrators this time.
Based on the concrete use cases "Process optimization through retrofit and end-to-end data integration" and "IloT Framework", the demonstrators show how the perfect interaction of bundled core competencies of SYS TEC electronic AG with its partners SQL Projekt AG, ZEROdefects GmbH, manaTec GmbH, Inasoft GmbH and qbee AS resulted in great joint projects in which the potential of the IoT is fully exploited.
But not only that: We, as SYS TEC electronic together with our partner SQL Projekt, did not miss the opportunity to share our knowledge and know-how in the context of the Automatisierungstreff workshop. Behind the topic "Create digital added value!" was a general overview of the different facets of digitalization. In the form of a guide and practical exercises, we showed our participants how they can successfully overcome the initial entry hurdles. In doing so, we were able to address the topics of the individual participants very individually and apply them in the detailed practical part. It was obvious to all participants how much fun they had trying out our sysWORXX CTR-700 and how everyone was able to bring their own demonstrator to life in a relatively short time.
We look back on three exciting days in Böblingen. The exchange and networking showed us once again how important direct contact is and how much we missed it.
Have we now aroused your interest and do you want to learn more about our workshop? Further information