Donation handover at the end of the year

At the end of the year, we once again turned our attention to the all-important next generation and are pleased to present a donation check in the amount of 250 euros to the Weinholdschule Reichenbach Oberschule for the AG "From PC user to programmer".
Together with the AG leaders Mr. Ehlig and Mr. Müller as well as the principal Mrs. Grundmann we want to offer the pupils a view into the practice in the future and act as a regional partner for pupil practical courses and excursions.
Many young students in particular are very interested in careers in the IT and development sector and in working with digital media. In order to strengthen this interest and perhaps even the career aspiration, we want to show as a regional company that you don't have to move far away for your professional career, but that there are interesting and attractive jobs also in your home country.
We are looking forward to an exciting cooperation and a lively exchange with the students and teachers of the Weinholdschule Reichenbach Oberschule.
But for now, have a wonderful Christmas season and a relaxing vacation!
f.l.: Headmistress Mrs. Grundmann, AG leader Mr. Müller, SYS TEC board member Mr. Bause and AG leader Mr. Ehlig