Saxon IT Summit in Plauen

Saxony as a guest in Plauen
Saxony wants to and can become a leading business location in Germany. In the digital economy, many markets are being redistributed. This offers opportunities if the right course is set now. That is the conclusion of the IT Summit 2022.
For the first time, the Saxon IT Summit took place in southwest Saxony. On 27.06.2022, the four IT clusters invited to Plauen. Under the topic "Smart Business - Smart Country": How does Saxony become one of the leading locations in the world?" many companies discussed. Guests included Thomas Kralinski, Yvonne Magwas, Frauke Greven, Siemens Chemnitz, Hasso Plattner Institute and many industrial companies from the region.
We were allowed to participate with a presentation on the topic: "From the everyday life of an electronics service provider: From the idea to the smart product" and got into conversation with many entrepreneurs. A professional exchange on a high level with a view to the future.
Many thanks to SWS digital for the great event!