sysWORXX solutions connect worlds

Can't be done - doesn't exist!
True to the motto"Thought, done", this year, for the second time, medium-sized members of Marktplatz Industrie 4.0 e.V. have come together to jointly develop a complete technological solution for the manufacturing industry. Under the premise of avoiding possible trade-offs for customers, anIIoT demonstrator was created in a short time and with decentralized cooperation between the five specialists. Among other things, it can implement the following use cases along the entire value chain and solve themost important everyday problems in production, such asunderutilization ofresources,excessive unit costs, andunnecessary downtimedue to lack of transparency in the processes:
- Climate data monitoring via mesh network,
- Key figures from the dashboard in the Edge to the ERP,
- Digital twin of the entire production,
- Machines as smart products for flexible manufacturing,
- Smart maintenance through business process automation
5 Davids against Goliath
Not heard about our"5 Davids vs. Goliath" - total solution in partnership with @SQLprojekt,, @manaTec & @inasoft?
Then this way!
5 Davids against Goliath
Haven't heard about our"5 Davids vs. Goliath" - total solution in partnership with @SQLprojekt,, @manaTec & @inasoft?
Then this way!
sysWORXX solutions - from the field to the cloud and back again
sysWORXX solutions connect worlds - from the field to the cloud and back, our components serve as data aggregation and execution platforms for our partners' software components.
As an interface to the production line and the existing basic controller of the demonstrator, a Siemens S7, our CTR-700 is used. As an edge controller and freely programmable controller, this serves both the barrier-free connection of industrial sensors and actuators, as well as the data aggregation and transfer to the connected applications, ERP / MES and cloud systems.
We implement the execution platform for the qBee device management system, the SQL4 Automation Agent, and the Transconnect service modules on our open, Linux-based edge device - the CTR-700 thus embodies the hub of the store and top floor link.
We achieve a clean separation of the software components through virtualization using Docker, which eliminates dependencies between the applications and facilitates software maintenance. Communication takes place via standard interfaces - the integrated MQTT broker, as well as a Maria DB, are used for data exchange between the components, from OT to IT. With the qBee Agent all applications can be managed securely. Via Node-RED a visualization in the field is realized.
Additional value is generated by the use of our mesh solutions for environmental data analysis.