Inhouse-Workshop: Creating Digital Added Value!

From the customer to the production line, you will receive an overall view of the various facets of digitization. In the form of a guide and with the help of practical exercises, we will show you how to successfully overcome the first entry hurdles.
Together, we will develop three concrete measures that you can use to get started in your company right away.
Digital Twin, energy data monitoring or Smart/Predictive Maintenance - end-to-end digitalization creates transparency and enables optimal capacity utilization.
- But how, where and with whom to start?
- What are the pitfalls and hurdles that make progress difficult?
- How do I generate tangible customer benefits at an early stage?
- How do I get the right partners on board at the relevant times?
In the workshop, we start with a joint positioning, follow the methodology of the AGILE INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK to the implementation of your use case with the low-code integration platform TRANSCONNECT® and the SYSTEC CTR-700 edge devices, and end the first iteration with a retrospective. In one day in fast motion. Always in triad: data, systems, processes.
Workshop description
Digitization projects regularly fail due to complexity that is difficult to manage, a lack of alignment of all stakeholders on a common goal, or due to a missing or poorly communicated digitization and business strategy. And once this homework is done, the right experts still need to be brought on board.
The AGILE INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK is a methodology that enables all stakeholders to work through the most complex projects in a safe and structured way towards a common overall goal. The special feature is the iterative character of the methodology, which explicitly welcomes changes. New requirements can be introduced regularly or changed framework conditions can be evaluated without losing sight of the overall goal. The implementation is prepared with the help of the integration guide, considering data, systems and processes as a unit, and completed with the low-code integration platform TRANSCONNECT® and the sensor and edge platform CTR-700. TRANSCONNECT® bridges the gap between store floor and pot floor and allows the mapping and automation of OT/IT-spanning business processes - from the web store to the PLC. The CTR-700 enables secure access to even the most remote sensor and ensures homogeneous data management on the store floor.
In the workshop, we will take you through the individual stages of the methodology in fast motion, using a concrete use case, up to implementation with TRANSCONNECT® and the CTR-700. Learn how to systematically approach such tasks and continuously create added value. Get a feel for technologies such as MQTT, NodeRED, low-code, APIs and business process modeling - with the automation pyramid gone, the new tools of an automation specialist.
Topic overview
- Sharing experiences
Get out of the maze! How to overcome the 10 most common hurdles of digitalization. - Methodology toolbox
We show you how to work out a common goal in a safe and structured way despite the most complex requirements in your company and how to see regularly changing framework conditions as an opportunity. - Practice: Technology
Get a feel for the technologies MQTT, NodeRED, low-code, APIs and business process modeling. - Practice: Agile IIoT Integration
From individual positioning to retrospective, walk through an entire implementation cycle with us in just one day.
Target group
- Decision-makers receive a practical guide to the lasting, value-creating implementation of digitization projects.
- Technicians/developers get an insight into the technology toolbox and a feeling for the solution-oriented application of the various tools.
The goal of the workshop is to create an awareness that agile principles and methods are also ideally suited and sufficiently tested for digitization and integration projects. Although thinking through a task completely is part of the good art of engineering, it reaches its limits when dealing with complex issues and is too cumbersome. With the framework of methods taught in the workshop, which anyone can apply themselves - even without us - you will start small and end up big - but you will start and be one step ahead of your competition!
Dr. Stefan Hennig, SQL Projekt AG
Stefan Hennig heads the TRANSCONNECT® business unit at SQL Projekt AG. He designs innovative digitalization solutions for customers from a wide range of industries and methodically supports decision-makers in their challenges to retain control over the diversity of interfaces, systems and processes in order to be able to actively and sustainably shape them again. Together with his team, Stefan Hennig discusses many different requirements and new business models from the data integration environment for the IIoT, among other things, in numerous customer meetings. This has resulted in the AGILE INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK with formats such as the navigation workshop, the methodology workshop and an integration guide.
Ronald Sieber, SYS TEC electronic AG
Ronald Sieber has been CEO of SYS TEC electronic AG since 2019. Previously, he gained more than 25 years of development experience in the field of embedded systems, controllers and fieldbuses. With the sysWORXX series, SYS TEC electronic offers a device family for communication and control tasks, with the goal of making machines readable. The low-coding platform Node-RED of the CTR-700 makes it possible even for non-computer scientists to easily model data flows and make adjustments on their own. This allows know-how carriers such as process technologists and production planners to be actively involved in digitization projects. Ronald Sieber combines technical expertise with process experience and conveys this interdisciplinary knowledge in the workshop.
To the interview with Dr. Stefan Hennig and Ronald Sieber