Inspection & advanced configuration of CANopen devices
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CANopen DeviceExplorer is a versatile tool for development, testing, diagnostics and service tasks. The integrated CANopen master functionality allows the inspection and configuration of CANopen devices through direct access to the Object Dictionary (OD) . The necessary information about the respective device is read from the electronic data sheet of the device (EDS or XDD format) or queried directly from the device via online access. Modified device configurations can be saved and loaded using the standardized DCF files (Device Configuration Files). It is also possible to manage entire CANopen networks in project files.
Plug Ins of Full Version...
The CANopen Device Explorer already contains a number of plug-ins. In the Basic version, this is the CANopen Interpreter. In addition to the ISO-TP interpreter and multi-interface support, the full version also includes the following plug-ins:
CANopen DeviceExplorer LSS Master plug-in
provides all LSS master services in the expert view and facilitates the development of CANopen devices. The bit rate and node ID of an LSS slave can also be changed remotely via the CAN bus. The scan of a network and the semi-automatic node number assignment for an entire network are also supported.CANopen DeviceExplorer CiA 402 plug-in
enables the state machine of a drive to be controlled in accordance with the CANopen device profile CiA 402. Parameters such as position and speed can be controlled in the Position and Velocity Mode profiles.CANopen DeviceExplorer Script plug-in
The script extension is based on Javascript, which has been expanded to include CANopen-specific commands, for example for sending and receiving SDOs, PDOs and NMT messages. A graphical UI designer can be used to create your own user interfaces so that user-specific test and control applications can be realized on the basis of the script language.Add-ons...
Further plug-ins can be licensed separately:
CANopen DeviceExplorer PDL (Process Data Linker) plug-in
completes the CANopen DeviceExplorer into a comprehensive tool for project planning and commissioning of complex CANopen networks. The plug-in links process data objects of different devices with each other in corresponding PDOs. The necessary entries for communication and mapping parameters are created and stored in the DCF files of the devices involved. If desired, the configuration data can also be immediately transferred to the respective devices in Concise Storage Format and stored there persistently. The links between the devices can be defined with just a few clicks. Detailed knowledge of CANopen is no longer required, making PDO linking much easier.CANopen DeviceExplorer SRDO plug-in
contains an additional dialog for the CANopen DeviceExplorer and enables consistent configuration of the CiA 304-compliant Safety Relevant Data Objects (SDRO) and thus safe transmission of process data.Documents & Downloads...
Downloads Name Type Size Action C CANopen Toolchain product data sheet pdf 1 MB Download CANopen DeviceExplorer User Manual pdf 984 KB Download CANopen DeviceExplorer for Linux P/N SO-1124 - Evaluation version 2.17.0 *Please note the shown plug-ins are not included in the version of CANopen DeviceExplorer. zip 49 MB Download CANopen DeviceExplorer for Windows P/N SO-1124 - Evaluation version 2.17.0 *Please note the shown plug-ins are not included in the version of CANopen DeviceExplorer. zip 24 MB Download Ordering information...
Bestellinformation Item no.
CANopen DeviceExplorer Full Version
Floating license (USB dongle) for CANopen DeviceExplorer for Windows / Linux incl. add-ons LSS Master, Script, CiA 402, ISO-TP Interpreter, Multi-Interface-Support, documentation
CANopen DeviceExplorer Full Bundle
Floating license (USB dongle) for CANopen DeviceExplorer for Windows / Linux incl. add-ons LSS Master, Script, CiA 402, USB-CANmodul1 with device drivers, ISO-TP interpreter, multi-interface support, cable, documentation
CANopen DeviceExplorer PDL plug-in
*The use of this plug-in requires CANopen DeviceExplorer - Software - Floating license
CANopen DeviceExplorer SRDO plug-in
*The use of this plug-in requires CANopen DeviceExplorer - Software - Floating license
J1939 Interpreter plug-in
*The use of this plug-in requires CANinterpreter - Software - Floating License
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